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what to expect

Your first consultation will last for approximately 45 minutes to an hour. A full and thorough case history will be taken; this will include details of not only the presenting complaint, but any previous history of problems or injuries.

Full medical details are important as it is vital to exclude other potential causes of your complaint, and therefore recognise when treatment may not be indicated, or identify early signs of other conditions.

A physical examination will follow the case history; the extent of this will depend on the problem. This usually requires the removal of enough clothing to make a full and proper assessment of the problem area and related areas, and will include an assessment of mobility, posture and an examination of joints and muscles. Other more specific orthopaedic or neurological tests may be performed if necessary.

Following the examination an explanation of the findings will be given, including a prognosis and what should be expected in the short and long term.
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