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what is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a safe system of hands-on treatment to treat dysfunction in the body, based on the principle that an individual’s wellbeing is reliant on the body’s tissues functioning smoothly together. A range of techniques is used including targeted soft-tissue work, such as stretching and deep tissue massage, along with joint articulation and manipulation. Osteopathy aims to help patients respond and adapt to changing circumstances, manage injury and disease and maintain their own health.

During the assessment an osteopath will also be looking for contributory factors to any problem, which means that treatment may address other areas and include advice on posture, exercise and lifestyle in order to aid recovery and help prevent recurrence of symptoms.

In the UK osteopathy is a primary healthcare profession with statutory recognition.

Osteopaths are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), and must be registered with the GOsC in order to practice legally.

Patients can consult an osteopath independently or be referred by their GP. Most patients are recommended by other patients or referred by other healthcare practitioners. Osteopaths are trained to recognise when treatment is not appropriate and will refer a patient to their GP when necessary.

Most patients will receive treatment at the first consultation. However, there can be circumstances when this is not appropriate.
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